Free OXC Ocxie Airdrop

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The new Ocxie blockchain is giving away native OXC tokens for the first million users for free. At the moment, the amount of distribution is only $1, but in the future this figure can skyrocket.

How to get airdrop?
  • Follow the link below:
  • Get Airdrop
  • Click "Generate wallet ID", save the received symbols (maybe in the future you will need to restore the wallet)
  • Next, come up with and enter a password twice. Check the box next to "I accept the Terms and conditions". We go through Google captcha and click "continue".
  • Next, come up with a Set Code of 6 digits and enter it twice in the appropriate fields (you need to remember the code). Check the box next to "I will not disclose or forget the code" and click continue.
  • You will see the window "Your generated Backup phrase:" - this is the seed phrase for accessing the wallet, save it for yourself. Next, click the checkbox next to "I will not forget my Backup phrase and i will never disclose it" and click submit.
  • After you will be taken to the personal account of the wallet, at the top there will be a "Security" section, go to it.
  • Enter your email address in the Email Address field and click verify. Next, follow the link received in the mail (Verify Email Address with button)
  • The link may not load, after 20-30 seconds you can close it, your e-mail will be already verified and you will receive tokens in the amount of $1
  • In the HOME tab you can see your balance and referral link. You will also receive $1 for each referral.
  • It will be possible to withdraw/sell tokens after 1 million participants receive an airdrop.
  • Subscribe to our Telegram (Instant) and (Other) airdrops. And be the first to know about new airdrops.

More information about OXC Ocxie airdrop

Ocxie is a new, independent blockchain that has issued its own tokens and distributes them as an airdrop to the first 1,000,000 users who wish. At the moment, you can get $1 in OXC just for signing up, as well as $1 for each person who signs up using your link.

Will blockchain become popular? - This is a game of roulette, by doing an airdrop you can get a new bitcoin in the future or just lose 1-2 minutes of registration time, it's up to you to decide if it's worth it or not.

How to withdraw OXC tokens? Give Ocxie token withdrawal proofs - According to the developers, the withdrawal as well as the sale will be available after the end of the airdrop, when 1 million users receive it. No one knows when this will happen, maybe tomorrow, or maybe in six months.

The address of the smart contract of the Ocxie OXC token cannot be obtained, since this is not a slave token, but a direct token from an independent blockchain, but the total emission of the token is only 3 million coins. In any case, we recommend spending a couple of minutes of your time and getting coins on the Ocxie airdrop.